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About Me

Well hello oh people who may or may not look at this. My name is River Tylers and I made this purely so I can read Hammy's writing (writerscafe.org/writers/Miss_Amanda) and so I can read Miss Awesome Pants's writing (writerscafe.org/writers/ladyjulianac)...and talk to her of course.
And yes, as my URL says, and my picture may lead you to believe, I AM gay...don't worry, it's not contagious.
Oh, if I post anything, there's a 99.99% chance I stole some of Rider's writing so it can actually escape to the real world from under his underwear.
Anyway for anyone who wants to talk to me, here's some random things about myself:
- I have an adorable niece! Mess with her you die!
- I am 18 (almost Gah just a couple more months) and have a twin brother
- My favorite food is canned chili
- If you think about messing with Mimi I will hunt you down and gut you like a fish
- I get really uncomfortable and embarrassed when girls hit on me.
- I hate wearing clothes but I have to...it sucks
- I believe there's no such thing as an ugly smile...except myself, I think I have a horrible smile. lol
- I am Jules' Gay Little Muffin, so you mess with her you will die
- My boyfriend's name is Tobias Ryan Helix...but he goes by Ryan
- I work at my dad's construction company
- I am shamelessly addicted to Shane Dawson's comedy clips!
- My favorite movie is the Ice Age series
- I have grey eyes and black hair
- My best friend's name is Hope McKenzie
- I have a cat named Minxy and she likes raping me and stealing my food
- I will most likely make a sexual reference at least once
- I am proud of who I am
- I don't give a crap if you say Christians can't be gay and still believe in God...because I do believe in God and I am proud to be gay.
- And I am a virgin...mostly. lol
- My initials are R.A.T (River Alexander Tylers)
- When I write my name, I don't dot the i
- I sing in the church choir
- I hate it when people are condemned by a person before the person even knows anything about the person they're condemning...so I try to be as friendly as possible until you piss me off
- I curse on a regular basis...but will refrain from doing so if you don't like it
- I don't like the word cuss
- I'm not a big fan of poetry, but I'll give anything a chance (That doesn't sound right...lol)
- I don't usually put periods at the end of my sentences unless it's for writing or something
I do believe that is enough for now... anything else I will add later or you can ask

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I ran out of random crap, so I stole this from Popsicle. hahaha

A-2-Z About Me Survey by bamachic49
Name: River
Nickname(s): Muffin, Rat, Tido
Age: 17
Birthday: January 2, 1992
Birthplace: Somewhere over the rainbow
Current Location: My room
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Black with a neon blue highlight
Height: 6' 3''
Weight: Not entirely sure...200 I think
Lefty or Righty: Lefty :O
Zodiac Sign: I'm not sure
What Do You Drive: My truck
Screenname: River
Color: Green
Number: 1324
Band: all that play music
Music Genre: Pretty much everything
TV Show: Roseanne!
Movie: 10,000 B.C
Actor: George Lopez
Actress: Mandy Moore (no I'm not lying)
Kind of Movie: Drama/Action
Cartoon: Anything for children under 2. lol
Sport: Football
Fast Food Restaurant: Everything!!! FOOOD!
Food: Everything
Ice Cream: Peanutbutter
Cereal: Rice Chex
Candy: Carmel
Drink: Orange Juice
Alcoholic Beverage: Hmmm...I like alot of different kinds... SHHHH. lol
Quote: "If you don't know the person, you don't know their life. If you don't know their life you can't tell them how to live." ~ My Mom aka Bailey Tylers
{---Do You---}
Have any siblings: Yes
Have any pets: Yes
Have a job: Yes
Have a cellphone: My mom has it
Have any special talents or skills: Not so much
Have any fears: Yeah
Have a bedtime: Nah
Sing in the shower: Yup
Want to go to college: Yes
Get along with your parents: Dur
Have any piercings: Yeah...I really need to stop accepting dares.
I had to pierce my lip
Have any tattoos: Not yet
Swear: Yeah
Smoke: Nope
Drink: Yeah
Do Drugs: No
{---Love & All That Crap---}
Ever been in love: I am
Ever cheated on a boyfriend/girlfriend: No!
Are you single: Nope
Are you in a relationship: Yes
Do you have a crush on someone: No...I love him
Ever been dumped: Yeah
Ever dumped someone: Yeah
{---This or That---}
Fruit or Vegetable: Veg
Black or White: White
Lights On or Lights Off: On
TV or Movie: TV
Car or Truck: Truck
Cash or Check: Cash
Rock or Rap: Rock
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
French Toast or French Fries: Fries...Toast Either or. It's food
Strawberries or Blueberries: Strawberries
Cookies or Muffins: Muffins! lol
Winter Break or Spring Break: Winter
Hugs or Kisses: Both
{---Have You Ever---}
Danced in a public place: Yeah
Smiled for no reason: That's a constant
Laughed so hard you cried: Earlier
Talked to someone you don't know: Yes
Drank alcohol: Duh
Done drugs: Nah
Partied 'til the sun came up: Yeah...haha Ahhh...poor Hope
Gotten a ticket: Not really...I sweat talked my cousin. lol
Been arrested: Nah
Been convicted of a crime: Nope
Been in a wreck: Not really
Been out of the country: Nope
{---Random & Silly Junk---}
Are you a virgin: Can a guy take his own virginity? That is the question I have. lol Sorry Jules
Ever TP'd someone's house: Nope...caught Hope trying to TP my house though
Ever egged someone's house: Nah
How many languages do you speak: Mine
Who do you compare yourself to: Rider
Ever regret anything: Yeah, sometimes
Do you like being tickled: No!
What are your goals: survive til I'm 20 so far
Are your fingers tired: Nah
Are you tired of this survey: Nah
Are you happy: Yeeeep

What is on your desktop wallpaper? - A picture of Me, Rider and Hope...it's Hope's computer
What is your favorite zoo animal? - Hyenas!...maybe monkeys. lol
What was your favorite toy as a child? - Rider :D hehe NOT LIKE THAT! I'm gay, not incestuous
What food do you eat too much of? - Food in general
What kind of hairstyle do you have? - Everyone calls it a emo cut...but I don't know what it's really called. lol
What was your favorite activity in gym class? - Sleeping
What is on the shirt you're wearing right now? - Nothing...I'm not wearing a shirt
What is the picture nearest to you of? - One of me and Ryan on my nightstand
What kind of salad dressing do you like? - I don't like it
Whats your least favorite food? - Jalapenos
What do you do on a Sunday night? - Hangout with Ryan, Hope and Rider
If you could only use one condiment on your food for the rest of your life, what would it be? - I don't use them...
What color are your sheets? Right now they're black
How big is your computer display? - I don't know
What pair of shoes do you wear most often? - My converse...They're orange! lol Yes Hope got them for me
What is your favorite game? - Tackle people
What is your favorite Thanksgiving food? - It's food...I love all of it
What is your favorite pizza topping? - Pizza
What time do you plan on waking up tomorrow? - Uhhhhh
What is your favorite day of the year? - I don't know?
Whats the crazest thing youve ever done - Ummm...recently? Hmmm..Oh. I put my hand down Ryan's pants at Thanksgiving just to mess with my family. lol
Do you belive in god - Yeah
Are you in highschool if not how old are you - Yeah...it sucks
Do you believe relinships last in highschool - Yeah?
How many kids do you want do have when your older - I hope I can adopt 2. But I don't know if I'll be able too
What do you look for in a guy/girl - Ryan :)
Whats your favorite food - Food!
Edward or jacob from twilight - Jacob 100% DAMN! lol Sorry
Have you ever gottin drunk - Yeah
Do you think you should wait till your married to have sex - Depends...
If you got pregrant right now what would you end up doing - WTF?! I'm a gay guy! How the f*ck did that happen?! AHHH! MOMMY! lol
Do you have any siblings - Yeah
If so how many - 5
What type of music do you listen to - Pretty much everything
Do you love or hate your life - I love it!
Did you ever get arrestesd by the police - Nah...not yet
Do you belive the world is going to end in 2012 like everyone says - Nope
Do you ware makeup - No?
Flats highheels or sneekers - Sneekers?
What cant you live without - My buddies!
Do you really belive in love at first sight - Yeah
Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend - boyfriend
Would you reather become a millinaire or find your one true love - Love all the way
Whats the last song you downloaded - Take Me With You by Secondhand Lion
What are you listening to right now - ^^^^^
Do you like your first name - Yes I do
Do you think guys are just complete jerks - We can be
Have you ever madeout with your ex after breaking up just 4 fun - Uhhh...NO
Do you have any piercings - Yeah
What do you have pierced - Lip and my ear
Do you want to marry a vampire like edward cullen - No... 1. He's ick. 2. it's illegal in some staes and 3. I have Ryan
How do you think alcohol taste - Yum
Ever played truth or dare - Yeahhhh... lol
Are you a tease - I don't know D:
Who's the one person that can always make you smile - Ryan, Jules, Hope and Rider
Do you like cold or hot weather - I love Cold weather
Whats your favorite store to shop at - Food court! lol
Are you a guy or a girl - Guy...*looks in pants* Yup, I'm a guy
Are you a dumb blonde and you know it - Yes!
Why are things so bad in your life - They aren't...?

^^ Okay so it's a bit odd, but seriously, watch it. It does have a meaning...you'll just laugh. Not at the meaning.


[send message]

Posted 13 Years Ago

Hello you guys..

Uhm, I have some really bad news. I mightr not be on the computer for a while. I broke both of my hands and it s extremely hard to type. I hope I can talk to you two really soon, but if not, just know that I love you with all of my heart..I miss you River and Ryan..

[send message]

Posted 13 Years Ago

River, I really miss you..there is so much going on right now, and I just wish you were here right now to make me smile like you've always done so well..and maybe then I will be truly happy..

Ryan, I may not speak to you much, but I want you to know that I care about you and River greatly..I just hope that you know you guys are all I have left, and I also want to thank you for being there for me when I needed you..

I love you guys both..so much..and I hope to talk to you soon..


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Posted 14 Years Ago

hahaha fine :P

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hey, River. What's up?
I'm wondering if you plan on continuing "Taylor & Jordon" cause I am waiting. Let's say patiently.:p I really enjoyed reading and hope for more. btw how are you liking New York?

[send message]

Posted 14 Years Ago

So are you working on "Taylor & Jordan"? (anticipating) yea well i'm said cuz my friend, Blossom is moving :( very sad. yes its the same person that commented right below this comment. :) Hope your well! and how r u liking new york?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

great. haven't been going to school cause I'm moving out of the province, so its getting a little boring at home

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Posted 14 Years Ago

thanks. so How are u?

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Posted 14 Years Ago

hey!! I'm Yachi and its nice to meet you guys. I saw your pictures and congratulations on your engagement. I'm so happy for you guys even though you don't know me. I love your work!! just putting it out there!!!

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Posted 14 Years Ago

Ooo congratzz on ur engagement! :)

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Posted 14 Years Ago

FUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahaha

so wats upppp a spefcific reason ur moving?