Gaston : Writing

Even Gods Must Fall

Even Gods Must Fall

A Book by Gaston

This is graphic novel I'm working on


A Chapter by Gaston

The Majority of this tale is based on true events and people with some poetic license taken. Some of it is outright embellishment on the author's par..
And God Said

And God Said

A Chapter by Gaston

It's all in the mind. The dependency, the addiction, that unyielding need for another drink...Any drink at all. Anything that will permit you to stop..
All the King's Men

All the King\'s Men

A Chapter by Gaston

Enter Joker I was the disappointment. I was the misbegotten child. I was no one to everyone, until the day came that I quit being who I was and s..
The Dogs of War

The Dogs of War

A Chapter by Gaston

"All Warfare is based on deception." - Sun Tzu And make no, lust, is all war. That, they learned...That, th..
Once More Unto the Breach

Once More Unto the Breach

A Chapter by Gaston

They called it their training ground. Their lifestyle boot camp. It was one of those big franchise clubs, 5 bars, 3 dance floors, packed every nigh..
Not All Who Wonder

Not All Who Wonder

A Chapter by Gaston

Another time, another place. Of all the gin joints in all the world....she had to walk into mine It was an old line. One they only used if they mean..
Blame It On The Rain

Blame It On The Rain

A Chapter by Gaston

Didn't come here much. Wasn't really their kind of place. Joker worked security there a few nights a week. It was dollar night. Beer, well drinks....

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