Richard Linsley III

Richard Linsley III


Retired at last!!!

San Antonio, TX
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About Me

A humble sailor with a story to tell. I'm a 39 year old dad of 3, and husband to the love of my life. Retired from the Navy after 20 years of hard work. Looking forward to some rest, and enjoying my family in retirement.

I currently speak about 6 languages, and because of all of them I get some stuff mixed up so please help me figure out the mistakes. I love my work and well, its gonna be fun to share it with you. Hit me where you need to and show me how to make my work better!


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Posted 8 Years Ago

Sort of. I've been afflicted with writer's block pretty bad as of late, at least in regards to my original fantasy... my muse has been entirely focused on the LARP I'm in

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Posted 8 Years Ago

Barely. I check in just to see if I have messages.