About Me
I'm a young writer still reading plenty of books, and developing my skills. I've attempted to have some writing worthy of publication for some time, but often I lack the personal discipline exhibited by the authors Leo Tolstoy and such. Yet now, I see that my motivation to complete a work should be external from myself. Done under pressure to complete from someone else including a comment of joy or the deadline of a publishing contract.
Mostly my finished writing has usually consisted of school work and a few poems and little stories. On the other hand, my incomplete work varies from simple domestic difficulties to fantasy epics. I also have a joy for simple short stories and fairy tales, two literary forms I wish to go further with. I am a lover of Dickens, Dante, Milton, Plato, Shakespeare, C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien George Macdonald, Lewis Carrol, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Currently I have several ideas going through my head about some poetry and a stage play.