I'm a teacher of healing focusing on ancient priesthoods dedicated to the Earth Mother in all her facets. I teach a collective healing called The Gaia Method which brings back the developmental learning needed to be a planetary healer.
I am married to Omar Amer, from Luxor, and we live with his family on the West Bank, taking care of our cattle, sheep, chickens and ducks.
I love art and music, reading and films, nature, history, geology, archaeology and lots more. I'm 52 years old and have 5 grown up daughters. I now also have two grand-daughters who are growing up to be quite the little psychics.
I have been writing for a few years and did a stint as a free-lance journalist for a Winchester paper. I found it very frustrating and very limiting so that was the end of that!
I have always written but never really had a flair for fiction. I always preferred writing about my experiences in healing so that I could use it as a teaching tool. However, four years ago, out of the blue, 'fiction' started to pop into my head! Much of my writing 'just happens'. I wake up in the morning with a sentence in my head which then turns into a story. I never seem to know where it is going or where it will end up. Much like life really! I have learned to trust this process as it seems to work out in the end!
Some of my Photos.

Egyptian Boy.

View of Ireland

The Rocky Valley Spiral, Tintagel

A tree Person from Wicklow!

Itchen Woods Bluebells.

Boat in Wexford, Ireland.

My favourite. Anemones in Dunmore east, Ireland.

One of my favourite Places, Inis Meain, Aran islands.