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Grayson Lost Soul

Grayson Lost Soul


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About Me

What can I say? I'm an eccentric dude. I've got no shortage of tics and hang-ups and complexes. I am bipolar and I'm sure there are plenty of other things wrong with my brain. I'm 22, a virgin, and I've never been in a relationship. I am shy to a fault and my only friends exist in cyberspace. I have some sort of mental block that prevents me from finishing things. I have a great deal of unfinished console rpgs and incomplete story ideas.

Music soothes my soul. It relaxes and inspires me. It puts me on a rhythmic path and focuses my energies. It quiets the independent parts of my psyche that otherwise constantly attempt to pull me in infinite different directions, leaving me bound in place. The music sets me free from the hell that is me.

I might be empathic. I feel other people's emotions in an almost physical way. I have a hard time expressing that understanding, as well my own emotions. At best, it usually comes out awkward.

I write whatever comes to mind. Poetry, songs, fan fiction, whatever. Many ideas have sprung forth from my dreams. Perhaps my own desperation to escape and live an epic adventure is why many of my ideas seem to fall into said category. I am also prone to occasional rushes of manic emotional energy that make for some interesting crap. My mind thinks the words up so fast that I can't write/type fast enough to keep up.

I lost everything on my old computer, so I'm pretty much starting from scratch, not that there was much worth keeping. As I mentioned before, most of my ideas are incomplete ones, even stuff I started writing.

My weird beliefs:
1.) I do not believe in sleeping in a bed, because I don't think I am worthy. I haven't done anything to be proud of, nor am I content with the state of affairs in my life.
2.) Cold pizza is theraputic, especially the morning after a traumatic event.
3.) I need to do multiple things at once to divert my focus, because if I focus too much on one project for too long, I'll be too close and won't be able to detect and fix the flaws.
More to come.

What it comes down to is I am a rudderless dreamer. I am unique, spacey, random, quirky, unbalanced, and unpredictable. I am what I am. Take me or leave me.


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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review....I really appreciate it........

~~~~Kimberly Tickle~~~~~Diamonds Of Life