Gerri : Writing

Violation of Virtue

Violation of Virtue

A Chapter by Gerri

Olivia is sexually assaulted and confides in her Polish grandmother.
Talking with My Grandmothers

Talking with My Grandmothers

A Chapter by Gerri

Seeking a way to avoid the memory of her assault, she becomes intrigued with her family history. She seeks information from her grandmothers.
Chapter 3: Great Aunt Agnes

Chapter 3: Great Aunt Agnes

A Chapter by Gerri

Turned away by her maternal grandmother when Olivia attempted to learn about life in Poland, she meets her Great Aunt Agnes. Agnes begins the story of..
Chapter 4: Going Away

Chapter 4: Going Away

A Chapter by Gerri

Beginning in 1876, the story of Peter Zbyk begins.
Journey to Polonia: Travel to the Land of Hope

Journey to Polonia: Travel to the Land of Hope

A Book by Gerri

This is a work of historical fiction inspired by the author's own family history.