It seemed our love.. had no endThat we found what we wanted...someone to help us mendour broken lives, to smile again.And have a reason to wake up.I s..
Don't forget...When you told me goodbyeWhen you walked awayAnd made my eyes cry..Don't forget...You promised to come backYou promised we be togetherSo..
Young Porotita is a highschool senior who was yet to meet the man of her dreams, but when a popular Highschool football player suddenly starts going t..
Dark clouds roll into a setting of heavy rain and thunder, echoing across the lands of Venice, Italy making the water canal's bare, and empty as the p..
The Famous Demon family known as Darkken, that have started a clan known as the DraVaDem, has been finally given a face, as one member, finally steps ..
"It is time you came back.. my Little one." A deep voice boomed, As a girl stood at the edge of a cliff down at a house she knew as her own home, as s..
18 year old Angel from a small town thought she got rid of her past of all night-er's on the game, but she quickly finds herself back in the game real..
Hunca's are determined by the number of horns on their head. 1-5. The higher the number, the more demon the Hunca is, the more demon, the more killer ..
Creature from Bondless, :) Their description, colors and everything. The color tells what you need to know.
Young Kas've was born royal and with respect, but for Kas've, she feels cursed more then gifted. Kas've was born to a Yautja tribe, but looked to be n..