What is the battle ground for this war to be waged?
Nowhere visible,
underneath is where it lies,
underneath the barrier of cloth blinding their ey..
Love me naught,Embrace me but quick.
I’m drifting through,Once carefully woven fantasies, now
Give me a lie,Falsely spun hope..
Hear that?
Of course you don't, though in all actuality it's rather deafening;
the silence.
The silence that ensues upon hearing the chil..
What is in a lie but truth remaining to be told?
Whatare intears but memories of a smile?
What does it mean to be lost butto yearnfor the hope of sa..
Possibly triggering~
Submission for a class I had. 1st Draft. Could use work...
Possible trigger warning? I don't know Just rambling words I got down while typing...I couldn't sleep.
Why floors?
Float, drifting is so much more enticing.
Why stop there?
Don’t go half way,
Of course it doesn’t absorb, nothing does, ..
Spiraling/ spinning further and farther than ever before/ forgotten how shallow the pool/ misjudged how weak the two-inch glass/ separating fact from ..
Something that popped into my head and wouldn't get out...needs music...