Marie : Writing

In Her Loving Memory.

In Her Loving Memory.

A Poem by Marie

Rooting through his suitcase unopened with many years. Now, he had to find 'it',he searched through his tears. She found it in a Cemetery where on..
Black Rose of Death.

Black Rose of Death.

A Poem by Marie

Black rose of death come prick me with thy thorns, so my blood can mingle with your scent. Then, lie down beside me when my life is spent. Let m..
First Love.

First Love.

A Poem by Marie

The moon shone down on earth that night bathed the world in its pale silver light. Lit up the beach where two lovers lay In a little love nes..
Past-Life Love.

Past-Life Love.

A Poem by Marie

Kiss me under the light of a thousand stars, they've seen us kiss before in another lifetime and heard our sweet words of whispered love. ..
The East Wind Blows.

The East Wind Blows.

A Poem by Marie

Elm leaves fall from their body twisting in the wind like a girl on a flying trapeze. They fall in sweeping spirals like ringlets on a little ..
An Angel's Kiss.

An Angel's Kiss.

A Poem by Marie

I had a lovely dream last night that you were here with me. Your arms around me held me tight and a beat my heart did excitedly miss as..
Storms of Life.

Storms of Life.

A Poem by Marie

The storms of life blow every once in a while to test our strength along each troubled mile. Blowing gale-force they topp..
Our Dream Came True.

Our Dream Came True.

A Poem by Marie

Our little white cottage overlooks ‘The Sea of Love’. Behind it distant hills and a blanket of night stars above. Our beach i..
Colour Me.

Colour Me.

A Poem by Marie

Skin: Rich as silk Colour me... Coffee Hair: Dark as ebony Colour me... Shine Eyes: Like pools of melted chocolate Colour me... Swim Lips:..
A sleepless Night.

A sleepless Night.

A Poem by Marie

Outside the window the street light glows casting shadows in my room. As time slowly flows, thinking of you… I feel you here an..