San Herman Lopez a.k.a. Sanzei

San Herman Lopez a.k.a. Sanzei


It's easy to destroy and complicated to create.

Snoqualmie, WA
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About Me

Rhyming is what I love to do when I need to relax and or calm down... Rhyming is what makes me want to continue writing... I love to play with the words it is almost as if putting a painting together. I figured I'd mention this since some people keep saying poetry is not all about rhyme. Believe me, I realize this, but to "me" personally it is about rhyme. It is what keeps me coming back every day. In life, you will always do better with the things you love. I love rhyming.

My name is San Herman López, friends call me Sanzei. I’m currently living in the beautiful state of Washington. I have studied art in some form from grade school and throughout. While working towards my B.A. in Media Arts and Animation, I solidified a meditative comfort within photography, painting, and writing. Since then, these crafts have been constant tools that have allowed me to grow, learn, and adapt. In 2015 I decided to hone my photography skills. This photographic journey has enabled me to rediscover myself as I explore and learn about our amazing planet.

“Follow me on Instagram @sanzeiphotography.” 🙏


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Posted 14 Years Ago

Hope everything is going good for you and I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

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Posted 16 Years Ago

hi, I hope your day going great so far!


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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey!! Wanted to stop through and offer congrats on the new, well deserved awards. Hope you have a great day!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Thank you for your review my friend!! Hope you have a great New Years and be safe..Please send me your writings anytime!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Happy Holidays- Charly

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Happy Holidays- Charly

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Sure!! I'm about to head off now, but I'll be sure to read through some of your poems soon!! I have my art stored mainly here; ^-^ There's not alot of great stuff. My best friend is the art whizz =D
Nice to meet you too, btw!!

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Hey there, thank you for adding m!!
I'd love to see some of your artwork too!!
I'm into digital art, and traditional, but I'm not very good at the moment. ^^

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Not a problem. Hope you're having a great day! <3

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Posted 16 Years Ago

Congrats on the new badge! It's something to be proud of! <3