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Im here influence the people of this country we have to stop letting our goverment controll our everyday life,stop letting them brainwash our children in school,stop letting them take the little amounts of money we have to work so hard to get from them every week.The problem is we feel like we have to have them to live.What exactly is it that we can't live without.Comeone people simply take a look around they are useing us for labor so they can live there comfortible lives in a clean and rich enviorment.They use us like f****n lab mice testing all their cimercal on us in food and so many others items we use everyday.They still and kill millions of animals and other universal gifts that we,re givin to us by our great mother.How many more years do you really think she'll keep suppleing us if we keep taking so much.The goverment even ignores her and her glorieous skies and lands and waters.They teach us to stop beliveing in spirituality and the power of our great universe witch has kept us alive all these years and to feel we owe our lives to jesus.A so called "Man" that no one even has proof of ever even existing.You know why they trained you to belive in jesus because they made jesus they controll jesus if you worship jesus the you will give more and more to the goverment how many other gods want your money.Money made by the strongly belive in jesus and you'll belive in anything they tell you.Why not choose to see yourself as a god and worship yourself .You the almighty being that you know exist why look down on yourself because your body does things that the goverment/bibble tells you are bad/sins why not exept who you are and live your life.Stop being afraid of commiting a sin and going to hell don't belive the goverment your not going to hell if you don't live in the name of this bullshyt religion.Just like every other living thing one this earth,when you die your soul will leave your outside shelter and finally left off to the air witch you should be grateful the universe supplies to you.You on the other hand think jesus for it.Well i say down with jesus down with the goverment down with school down with prison down with dame near everything the goverment trained you to think.and lets stand together and fight for our rites to be human and not little puppets....