This poem is writen with little stories my dad used to tell me. They were about stuff he did as a child, in our time toghter i never really asked him ..
You wander alone,
Hidden by darkness,
Not a person can see you,
Until you’re by their side.
They feel no pain,
Nor hear no sound,
You ..
Ok i've just finnished writing this, so any comments on how to improve it would be good, also some ideas for a more suitable title would be good, as i..
I need to feel,
I need to laugh,
I need you by my side,
To hold my hand while I turn around,
To face my pain,
Face to face,
So I can rid that ..
Is it right to push you away?
But want you by my side?
Is it normal to feel no pain?
But hurt inside?
Is it right to turn my back?
But want to ..
A rhyming word
A wish or two
There only there
To hide me from you
I crouch in the dark
At the back of my mind
Where no probe can reach
Nor ..
Ok as with all my poems, i wrote this without even thinking about what i was writing, it hasnt been changed and it took me all of 4 min to write.