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Freder Fredersen (aka Grady) : Writing

headlines and headcount

headlines and headcount

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

like a nervous stomach ache and a fat lip
blossoms in April

blossoms in April

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

they nature of the way thing's are.
outdoor fun with spelunkers (see devil worship)

outdoor fun with spelunkers (see devil worship)

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

ranting madness from a misanthropic humanoid


A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

a headache
rapturous ruin reborn

rapturous ruin reborn

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

word tapestry...weaving...web....wicked....wierd...wobbled...wanton... wham! wack! whisper . . . whisper . . . headshot!
cerebral shooting panes

cerebral shooting panes

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

cerebral shooting panes machete thumps bone as the clock ticks suck the corn syrup bloodfrom a paper Mache piñata effigy of faith without co..
black tied hands

black tied hands

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

it's a poem of sorts.


A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

Tickle the Devil Dynamic

Tickle the Devil Dynamic

A Poem by Freder Fredersen (aka Gra..

the cheese stands alone

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