A child lives in the world of fantasy where all great ideas are born. It was probably a child who first dreamed of flying through the air, hearing voices and music from the sky, penetrating to the ocean depths. Before the reality comes the dream.
A child has the magic gift of imagination. She sees things that aren't there. She creates in her mind the kind of a world she wants to live in. She visualizes things as she wants them to be.
A child has freshness of response. To him the world is ever new and full of miracles and adventures. He reacts spontaneously to the discoveries he makes each day.
A child follows the simple way. She does not become bogged down in the complex and the obscure. She is natural, direct and genuine.
A child is confident. He has not learned all of the reasons why a thing cannot be done. He ignores obstacles because he does not know they exist.
This we learn from the child: The more childlike we are in our approach to problems, the more creative we will be. Try the fresh approach of a child.