A forlorn soul, is trapped in the River of Lethe.
I dread an eerie dirge of my surcease,When my cumbrous soul shall grieve,In immur'd walls of a phantasmagoria,With demons of the stygian Abaddon.Have ..
Marcus Aurelius, the Hispano.
From my anthology of Saxon poems. A time when Saxon lore was full of tales of wonder.
A tormented soul trapped in the abode of mortals, as a ghost, who once lived.
Avaunt the caliginous shadow of grim sorrow,By the tenfold spectres of thy mortal surcease,Haunting then thy drooping soul of the morrow,Singing the p..
-The eternal Iblis, benefactor of human souls.
The tormented woe of a soul in need.
-From my tales of horror I present "The Willowy Man", a poem that belongs to an anthology I wrote based on this ominous Victorian character.
-From my novel "Sempiternus", I dedicate this poem to the character of Hadria, the once consort of Sempiternus.