Franc Rodriguez : Writing

Wax Dolls Of Wentworth Hall

Wax Dolls Of Wentworth Hall

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A wanted gift for a wife, leads to a foolish and harsh outcome.
Box Of 999 Doom'd Souls

Box Of 999 Doom'd Souls

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A reckless soul's need to relive his live anew, condemns him, to the eternal box of 999 doomed souls.
Room 666

Room 666

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A stranger's night in the eerie chamber of 666, turns into absolute terror, when he meets the willowy man.
Mask Of Prometheus

Mask Of Prometheus

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

The cursed Prometheus, who is haunted behind his mask, by the Lord of the Underworld.
Seraphim Of Empyrean

Seraphim Of Empyrean

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

The eternal quest for the Seraphim of Empyrean.


A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A soul's, whose body lies in a graveyard, while his spirit strolls in the lovely place of Aidenn.
Psychedelic Odyssey

Psychedelic Odyssey

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A poor souls journey to the abyss of his own insanity.
Colloquy With Tennyson

Colloquy With Tennyson

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A muse's conversation, with the great Lord Tennyson.
Malediction Of The Dullahan

Malediction Of The Dullahan

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A nightly stroll in the countryside in Ireland, leads to the encounter with the dreaded Dullahan.
Bust Of The Mare

Bust Of The Mare

A Poem by Franc Rodriguez

A young lady has a horrible phantasmagoria of the bust of a mare, in her chambre.