Poisonous Rain A man hacking up his dinner, maybe from last December.A chubby Spanish kid laughs, obnoxiously as he hangsOn the end of a poleAnd his f..
Cabbage Patch DollyOne beer too many.Broken harbor splashedIn, gallons of rain and the liquid vicesWhich people harass.Thanking the days when you didn..
Wordy Bird ~
If you were a bird,
Settled inside of perfect pomposity,
Bring me a few things that I would need,
We shall have tea in the morn..
Where's Waldo??
Katherine Hepburn has fallen on the floor,
And you told me you were planning to give me nails,
While Marilyn Monroe gazes at me..
Accept my love just accept my nature,
The urge from earlier today
Is gone,
Leaving me with an empty hole in the middle of my chest.
My life hurt..
History Repeats Itself ~ Soulless. Dead eyes popping out from, Dark smudge bags An unfinished pot pie sits, ... At my elbow, with a fork driving ou..
Randomity~ Time is ticking, Realities changing, Perceptions that cling, ... Unto a ledge. Crazy day passing, Your unpredictable behavior is, Like..
Demons and Coffee ~
Large woman sits down beside me. Leave
me alone to nurse my depression. As angrily I stab at my rice,
with my fork-...Something..
Pushed Away ~How does it feel to be pushed away, And to be given the cold shoulder? Numb from the pain, My fingertips are breaking away like ice, Yet-..
Suicide ~
I wanna crawl under my covers and
I wish I could roll go under.
I can’t move for the pain that is
encapsulating me..