Flower : Writing

I tried

I tried

A Poem by Flower

You don't understand how much I have tried,It's not so easy for me to explain,How many times, all alone, I have cried,Because i don't know why I feel ..


A Poem by Flower

I look at the pictures placed on my wall,All filled with precious memories and smiles,But each radiate sadness above all,Emulating pain in every profi..
Walking in the rain

Walking in the rain

A Poem by Flower

Sometimes I like to walk in the rain,Each droplet conceals many tears,Together they hide a world of pain,That has been held inside for years.As I obse..


A Poem by Flower

Sometimes you can't see the pain in one's eyes,They make you believe that it's all okay,You don't realise that it's all just lies,You are like the oth..


A Poem by Flower

In order to hide what I am feeling,I smile and act like nothing has occurred,Though my pain doesn't seem to be healing,And what the future holds for m..
Repeated conversations

Repeated conversations

A Poem by Flower

I have to persuade myself that I'm fine,That I can handle problems by myself.So that's why, to people, I tend to whine,And hide my feelings away on a ..


A Poem by Flower

You know when you are truly broken,When you have to repeat the words "I'm fine",Not just to convince your worried friends,But to also persuade yoursel..
I'm fine

I'm fine

A Poem by Flower

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine",I replied, crying all alone."I am not so fine, please help me",Is what I wanted to tell you,But she doesn't care much..


A Poem by Flower

Being happy is some what strange, It gives me a feeling of joy, Is it finally time for a change? I hope this is not just a ploy. I don't know wh..
I'll be free

I'll be free

A Poem by Flower

I usually find it hard,To accept compliments given to me,Who was once so very scarred,Finally, now, feels so very free.What is this happy feeling,That..