Firequeen : Writing

Ice Queen

Ice Queen

A Poem by Firequeen

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Rising From the Ashes

Rising From the Ashes

A Poem by Firequeen

This came at a time when i felt everything and everyone was trying to bring me down and i decided to bust loose.
Drift Away

Drift Away

A Poem by Firequeen

Bring me all your worriesLay down your troubleslet me carry them for a whileAll doubts tossed asideNobody here except you and ISink into the safety of..


A Poem by Firequeen

This is one of my personal favorites because it came at a point in my life when i became free from someone who's chapter was finished in my life and i..


A Poem by Firequeen

beautiful picture by
Through The Looking Glass

Through The Looking Glass

A Poem by Firequeen

Hiding behind your curtain of goldsitting on your soap box of woeYou pull this string and then that onemaking her your verbal hoePlaying up the pityOh..


A Poem by Firequeen

This is what i call a broken acrostic Picture from
Colored Handprints

Colored Handprints

A Poem by Firequeen

This was written for my three babys
Promises Betrayed

Promises Betrayed

A Poem by Firequeen

Whispers spoken from forked tonguesYour venom fills my veinsLies lingering in the air around meNo promises madenone to be brokenPeople see what they w..
Beautiful memories

Beautiful memories

A Poem by Firequeen

My first hiku the beautiful photo by: