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Nelson, Nelson Bays, New Zealand
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Block Writer Block Writer


How To Move On How To Move On

A Poem by Fiosh

Filth Filth

A Poem by Fiosh

Intimacy Intimacy

A Poem by Fiosh

About Me


I'm a 19 year old kid that likes to write poetry while worrying about everything around me. I probably come across as pretentious to a lot of people because of my writing, but I'm here to dull that edge a little, and let the reader get a more personal experience if I can.

I'm just after some help and guidance. I can't express myself in person very well. Writing lets me do so, even if I'm very cryptic in the way I go about it.

I like Terry Pratchett, Gene Wolfe, Pynchon, and lots of other literary fiction writers. I am into high-fashion, and fashion in general. I don't do much.

Please feel free to be honest with me about my work, any criticism is appreciated if it points me in the right direction. Thank you.