When I have fears that I may cease to feed.Before my pen has felt my thoughtful brain,Before high-piled books, I plan to read,Held like rich man's mon..
Traveling faster than the speed of light
She grabs my hand and we take flight.
Below the city twinkles light,
Larger than the sun and just as..
Gods hunt for mortal wives for a reason
Connections can tame the fear and awe in people.
Looking out my window I discover the world
In a bl..
I’ll look into your eyes,
Far into the ocean
Like a wall of stars
We are right to fall
You’ll lo..
It's been years in the makingIn my skin I am shaking from the coldI am tired from the takingAnd my heart it won't stop breaking and I know...Moving fo..
Life is just an illusion. I'm so numb, I am so alone. My heart is broken clean in two.Anditdoes notmatter at all. Nothing matters. They say you can ma..
My mind is my church,
The church is haunting me.
Feelings only a blind man can see.
You explain to friends feelings of a stranger.
When yo..
Red and crimson.Touching and breathing.Everything covered in sweet dew.Lovelyand poisonous.Poundingand stress.Message notreceived.Crashing and burning..
The trajectory is set, the wind is accounted for,The steady breathing of the warrior is running through his core.He sees the doe grazing,gnawingat the..
When two roads diverge in a yellow wood,
Do you take the one less traveled? Most people would.
Then wouldn’t the road less traveled, becom..