Fiereblackitten : Writing

Welcome To My World

Welcome To My World

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

I am so bored right now. I’m sitting in 1st period; the last one to walk in……again, it sucks. This is a mini prison. I still..
Please, Amese

Please, Amese

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

Mom just came and picked me up from school. We had our usual conversation on the way home. She asked what i learned, what i did at school, what ..
Cant We All Just Get Along?

Cant We All Just Get Along?

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

I walk up to the house. The first person I run into is Marcie. I can’t stand that girl. She always tries to make me look bad ever chance s..
Not What It Seemed

Not What It Seemed

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

I pick up a ladle and start digging out punch and putting it in my bowl. I taste it. It’s good to! Before I know it I’ve downed over..
 In A Strangers Bed

In A Strangers Bed

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

I wake up hours later and look at the clock. It’s ten am. I look down at myself and notice I’m still in my clothes. Then, I notice t..
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 I just Dont Want To Go Home

I just Dont Want To Go Home

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

I walk in the house; no one is here but me. I wonder what it would be like to have my own party some day while my parents aren’t home like..
Missing In Action

Missing In Action

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

My alarm clock blares, waking me up. I drag myself out of bed. It’s 9 am. We have to be at school for 10:15. I hurry to the bathroom and t..
Things Change

Things Change

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

Mom picks me up from school. We talk awhile. Then, we’re both silent for the rest of the way home. I realize I’m a lot like her, you..
You Belong With Me

You Belong With Me

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

“What did you ever see in her anyway?” I speak first. He looks at me for a long time; so long I think he’s not going to answer ..
And I Had Second Thoughts

And I Had Second Thoughts

A Chapter by Fiereblackitten

I walk into the house. A wave of sadness spreads all around me like fog. I think of B.M.I. Am I even made to be B.M.I? Am I even cut out? I imme..

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