Broken heart
Empty your mind.Now look at the screen,then down to your hands on the keyboard.Stare at the blank page,anything?Try typing.Are you stuck on what to wr..
I'm walking a tightrope called life, balancing on my hopes and dreams, sometimes slowly slipping, just to forget life and whatever it means, just to o..
Broken As I lie here in sadness I think about how happy you must be, living your own life, finally without me. Reminiscing about the days we had lyin..
Despite being a few seconds ahead, and others a few behind, clocks work the way we do, but never at the same time. They have two hands, and so do we. ..
It's either I never surface or I am always floating downstream, my mind takes me places I have always dreamt of but never knew, that sometimes these d..
I have wires in my head, Control me for what I dread, Even though for now my soul is dead... I can still paint pictures, Pictures sometimes worth a th..
I'm sorry for the tears I shed on you this restless night, but, crying is the only way my eyes speak when my mouth can't explain how things made my h..
There's a weird pleasure about loving someone who doesn't love you, it's a permanent high. At first it's the burning sensation in the back of your th..