This is based on things I've felt, things I've read and things I've been told.
Little girl sitting in the hallPlaying with a dollBlonde, skinny, prettyWhy cant I look like that at all?Little girl sitting in the hallGot a DVD, got..
RIP Marina, you'll forever be loved.
I did my best.I tried the hardest.And still, it wasn’t good enough.I did everything you asked me to.I went to the end of the world to please you..
I sighed and held the small baby in my blood covered hands. I looked at it’s weakness, I noticed it’s innocence and, for a moment, instea..
People say you never know what you’ve got until it’s gone. People say you never know how much you need it until you don’t have it a..
Why are you smiling? Shouldn’t you be crying? Your life just turned upside down And there’s no coming back now Shouldn’t you be sca..
Her head was pressed agains the toilet bin, her knees hard against the cold bathroom floor, the tears came to her eyes as she did it once more. Sudde..
Taylor sat down in the dark, cold room, drowning in her own tears, buried in her own fears. All the hope in her heart was gone. Her real-life nightma..
I wrote this text after my best friend sent me a goodbye text, as she was attempting suicide. This was written while I waited for the doctors to try a..