Laslow:Laslow found himself running through the Darkwood, how he had gotten there was quite a story. He had spent the past 10 years working his way up..
In the hustle and bustle of city life,I sometimes look around,All these people have a life,All these people have their strife,it’s staggering so..
A tale I wove for honors english, I just couldn't bring myself to leave it unpublished
The piano drowns out the sounds of decayThe place where they come to toss life away'Tis here that they come to live in grandeur,And leave their cloaks..
Sunlight flicks through golden hair,
Eyes gaze into a book,
What worlds are there oh maiden fair?
What darkness lurks ahead?
As every page helps ..
I bid you a-due,
my elder, my friend, and I know that god will take you back,
And pray how I may, surely I know that it shall not bring you back.
At the time I am writing this, it is 12:54 AM on Dec 9, 2016. Why am I writing poetry so late? One may ask, well, ill tell you, because I enjoy it.
"Cap'n Novak!" Cline shouted, desperately trying to be heard over the other chatter in the bridge. "What?" Novak replied, startlingly calm despite the..
"Im sorry, my love" Novak muttered as he knelt in front of the large marble slab. It had been seven years since his fiancé had died, he still ..