I am Desire,that strenuous jailor whose nightlyvisits leave victimsguiltilyrestless in lonely beds.I, Desire, free readinessby presenting visions of i..
Sweetness.I seebutterscotch evenings,honey-gold sky of creamy sunset,last light's toffee wavesas sea's olive coverlet changesto caramel-sepia.I seetwi..
Changeling.Invisible dancer Air moves with easebuoyantly changing its imprinton earth's waiting surface of seasons,yet windswept Air broadcasts fermen..
Compatible.We pair of home-comersbuilt from painful baggage a water-tight dream,we painted an idyll of walled delight.A bright corner where care could..
Bonus.Now dawn is slowly brindling the heavenswith gold russet striations of honey-tonechange appearing as September mellowsswaying meadows of tall ha..
Between Worlds.Shallower sages would never permit streams ofnight's glittering stardust to detract them fromedging every message with signatured ego.M..
Waking.Dawn hangs on September trees, wake slithers forward into sleep's acres,turns shade to tailgates of light over which rayssnipe at quiescencebe..
Autumn-Imbued.Summer is blighted now and as a quieter airtakes control strolls become autumn-imbued.I follow the lead of late afternoon, baskingin gla..
Love-Light.Shaking a fist at what wishes her harmcalmly facingher fears of troubled alarm,she fishes,heart deep, when a drama,which threatens to flood..
Changes.As light sinks to hibernation the rays of sunsetbecome fatefully pallid likefaded velvet adorning a battle-vest,spectacular and mystical chang..