Betweeness.Between yesterdayand tomorrow there lies the displayof today's fresh bountyreadily able to take a chanceknowing fate brooks no need for del..
New Appetite.A lust full of Karma passed and eagerness lessened.The honied moon of strong passion a weaker light shed.Love turned to canvas of lies un..
Naked Heart.Come drug of sleep,drop, heavy cloak of woolly mind that dulls clear thought.Hold me tightly.Drowse my downbeat mind,change to calm the an..
Full SpateIn this enlightened agethe nearer I come to my finalbreath the brighter sunlooks when it rises each dayand the fiercer tumblegreen waves to ..
Mislaid.We lived through a blaze of debate-soaked relationshipmindless of hearing's real worth.We shuffled in biased cut-price ideas of winner-related..
Mothering.Arises unbreakable bonds after birthing.New life creates times for mothering care. Overtakes other calls this parental duty.Baby-cry helple..
Reminders.Rain washed to fresh Cornish airsmells still of historic unfairness.Hinterland littered with shafts,now leveled, age -old flat lodesmake for..
Addicted.This morning I saw light splashits aura over mybedroom walls while it stoopedto kiss re-call awakeand bless new contentment asafter yield's a..