Morphing.I want no eventual.I ask for soon.I sense desirefor One morphing to Two.I despise timethat bakes waste of regret.I need what is sensual.I wil..
Today's Poem.As my pen hovers above clean paper I askwhat elegance will awe me as light rousesdawn to nature's sessions of fresh happenings.Yet nothin..
Awayness.Time-racked hope sickens yet clings to torn veils.Train whistles awayness by distancing rails.Faith blurs in acceptance of tear-stung eyes.Wi..
Suchness.Living at heart's core,suchness is love that allunwanted emotion is freedfrom a fear of painful remorse.Looking at love's core,suchness is he..
Bridged.A small bird on rock-peaks above quick rollingbubble-veined stream began speaking to me.Not by known language he piped lovely noteswarblingami..
Memory's Pearl.She had eatenthe proof of amour's iridescence,taken love's juiceand emptied its cup to the dregs.She, sweetened bypatience the taste of..
Chafing.The ready aroma of un-begun lovepervaded the fetters in which she simmered.The chafing of hungry restraintcloistered her longing and calloused..