Whisperings.Come my dearling cushion your presentdiscomfort in my flexibility.Dive into my dulcet whisperings and letme conjour you bliss.My words wil..
Fliers.There it lay weightless and waiting until a breezelifted it's gossamer frameand silently floated its presence away.That marvel of strong fragil..
Omens.I chased this eveningevening's fading, streak-framedsilver tin-foiled filigreetied to grey-as-granite mountains.I watched tinted fatewave farewe..
Exciting.With tide at its highest the estuaryshimmers,each filling inlet a labyrinth ofvigour.The union of beauty and abstractedsilencelures incoming ..
Lifesaving.Oh Light, you travel so fast,invisibly claddingthis planet in change whichnothing can hinder,altering colourless night-hueyou, in an eye's ..
Epitaph.She lies a sorry sight,tail like brush-fire,body tyre-squashed,reddening the road.Stark chequered legs,shoulders hunchedas an epitaphto her fi..
Duet.When words meanno more, as sentences stand to the sidein haunting silence,allowing young moon, head in low mistof kissing cloudlets,to re-bound o..
Block.The clock-face of midnight, assaultedand strangled by blockis looking askance at my inky fingerswhen witching hour stops.Labour's oil long burnt..
Affinity.One fine morn I found myself wrappedin the leafy-green oceanof growing beans' honey-combed body.Pale roots pushing downand stalks shouldering..
Unlatched.The thin blue flame of my night-burnt firegrows dim as dawn un-quietsanother day's numberless happenings,culls light from dark and carriesli..