EffacedFeatures wind-worn and rain-wastedthey still stand,shaped male and female, nativehands clasped around girth of granite.Celtic-entwined and eart..
Something Greater.We pair of home-comersbuilt from painful baggage a water-tight dream.We painted an idyll of walled delight.A bright corner where car..
The Stones Know.Strewn over seashore hard evidence of Alquifou miningfor coppery tin.Trussed amid moss in tufty green sward lie hidden lostkeepsakes.F..
Coveted.When half the world was blank on mapsand people believed in magic,sounds became muffled as tappingsunder the soil sprung upwhile in the hills ..
E-mail to God.Dear God, I am riting this to let you noMy Mom's coff got worse and she's now ad to go.I dont no your E-mail but your everywhereSo ope s..