About Me
I am a boy. I love English Literature. I love to write. Some people hate me for it, but for me writing is like an escape from the real world. Its like reading a book except that I control what happens. Sometimes I surprise myself! Writing is peaceful, calm and helps get your feelings out. It's amazing to create different characters and various personalities and then putting yourself into everyone's shoes.
Curled up on a rug in one corner of the room, I can visit lands far, far away, founded and unfounded; breaking the barriers of distance and time. Its amazing. That is why I understand people so well. I was them in one story or another. I was feeling what they are feeling. That's why, sometimes when I write areally long, emotional piece (which is often:D) I'm completely drained. My cheeks are flushed and my heart is
pounding. It's like all of that happened to me. I need a nap to bring me back to the real world. Bad.