Parties, and broken hearts,
Messing up in all the wrong parts.
Screwing up and making plans,
Daydreams of someday having fans.
Smoking weed and h..
Rain, rain,
Never go away.
Wash away my pain,
Stay for the day.
Dark clouds,
Bright intentions,
Clear the crowds.
In the water, soft indentions..
Strange Promts-Prompt #17- Prompt #2
Wake up,
Get out of bed.
Grab a cup,
Pour my coffee.
Light my cigarette,
This is my life.
How could I forget?
It goes on and on.
Time to ..
These are multiple poems that I've written.
The first chapter of this book, hopfully, I will finnish this one.
It was bliss. Rowan was in the ultimate exstasy, she was happy to be alive again. That was how much Jay ment to her. She had been in love with this b..
Darkness. That's what always came first in these dreams. I couldn't breath, something was blockingmy airways. Water. It was black water, no matter ho..
She took a gasping breath as she seemed to emerge from the water. Only, she wasn't in the water anymore. Her hair was soaked and there was a sharp pai..
A dimond bullet and gun made of gold, she was covered in blood, last seen in San Frinsisco.