Fallen Angel : Writing

I'm a Fool

I\'m a Fool

A Poem by Fallen Angel

Short, sweet & to the point
I am Reborn

I am Reborn

A Poem by Fallen Angel

When I’m with you, I am reborn You breathe life back into my withering soul Roaring fires break free within my core Tidal waves of energy s..
The Here and Now

The Here and Now

A Poem by Fallen Angel

...just something I managed to sputter out to try and describe how I currently feel
You Touch Me

You Touch Me

A Poem by Fallen Angel

I love what she does to me The feelings she inspires within Tingles on my skin Made from the sound of her voice She says things I never could ..
Little Pills

Little Pills

A Poem by Fallen Angel

Just a little pill To help you sleep again To shake me from my nightmares Silence in my mind What's another pill In a world full of dependenc..


A Poem by Fallen Angel

You drive me crazy Just your smell and touch Tiny hairs erect On the back of my neck Coming ever closer The smell of your sweat Heightens every ..


A Poem by Fallen Angel

Where is the skin In a world full of masks Where is the reality In a world full of transparency Am I the only one In world full of chaos ..