FallenAngel527 : Writing

The Possession

The Possession

A Poem by FallenAngel527

Los demonios que residen oscurecen nuestro mundo Dispuesto a tomar nuestra vida en un segundo. Creeping and crawling, they terrorize your soul; The..
My Alternate Sadistic Kind (M.A.S.K)

My Alternate Sadistic Kind (M.A.S.K)

A Poem by FallenAngel527

Like most would do on Halloween, we'd wear a mask to be a person or a thing that we aren't usually, But do you wear one so you can hide what is on th..
Spiritual Warfare

Spiritual Warfare

A Poem by FallenAngel527

We're in a battlefield that most can't understand; others have their own opinion about this no man's land. There are even those who won't accept the ..


A Poem by FallenAngel527

I'm living enclosed inside a place nobody knows about where a part of my soul grows in the dark and it blossoms in the cold. Being the only soul here..
Broken Heart

Broken Heart

A Poem by FallenAngel527

So much to say, I don't know where to start; Guess I'll begin from where the pain originates: the heart. A simple, yet vital, muscle of life Underg..
Crazy In Love

Crazy In Love

A Poem by FallenAngel527

Imagine you being with the love of your life And seeing their smile just light up the night. Imagine you're cuddling; you're holding them near As y..
Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror

A Poem by FallenAngel527

When I stare into the mirror, do you know what I see? I look into my eyes and see the stranger things about me. So many stories and tears that I've o..


A Poem by FallenAngel527

Music is the omnipresent unifier inspired by those with the desire to start a symphonic fire. It can reveal what we feel on a real or surreal level i..
Spiritual Awareness

Spiritual Awareness

A Poem by FallenAngel527

On the road to self-recovery, there's a lot I discovered about me. The different perspectives and views of my path shed the light to reveal the good ..

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