FallenAngel527 : Writing

Sweet Nightmares

Sweet Nightmares

A Poem by FallenAngel527

Dreams: a succession of images, sensations and feelings; what you see while you're sleeping at times concealing a deeper meaning. Intervening our ev..
The Black Rose

The Black Rose

A Poem by FallenAngel527

I planted a seed underneath the concrete; unable to feed it what it needed, it seemed obsolete. Aware of the complications to this plants creation, s..
Cinematic Romantic

Cinematic Romantic

A Poem by FallenAngel527

You could be my Jamie and change my troubled ways; Even be my Savannah who thinks about me everyday. You could also be my Allie and be with me when ..


A Poem by FallenAngel527

The colors in this mood ring are constantly changing along with these mood swings; I don't know what I'm feeling. The music in my mind is what I have..
Dance With the Devil

Dance With the Devil

A Poem by FallenAngel527

I feel it crawling all around my skin; I feel the war within my mind and It's about to win. I do not want to scare the ones I love, But God, please..
Let Go

Let Go

A Poem by FallenAngel527

I'm not used to this and I'm not great at it; dead center of the target in my heart, it hits crushing it to bits. This is what I get for feeling what..


A Poem by FallenAngel527

I dig, You dig, We dig, He digs, She digs, They dig... Not much of a poem, but it's deep. Something to put a smile on your face.


A Poem by FallenAngel527

Like a dead oak tree, there is no life in me. I stand tall and have yet to fall, but still no life, you see? I was born in a desolate area; began as ..
Love and Fate

Love and Fate

A Poem by FallenAngel527

As I go through my life and begin to contemplate, These aspects of love and hate tend to control my fate. How do you control your emotions in this m..
First Casualty

First Casualty

A Poem by FallenAngel527

As the days go by and the birds fly free, many live their lives in a false reality. They let themselves believe what they see and hear; they're despe..

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