Once AgainHello!That's when the troubles came.We were both sweepingin seperate lanes and solost our footingsGood morning!That's when the bristles came..
Disseminationtruth- like______________the Waters ressurected withskies and clouds to colorglowing yellow aura the sun andrains fallingseeking the filt..
baby blue softly folded intocotton cloudsbourbon drenchedsugar cubes torched bybody warmed windswould you come with me?buds of promise firmsupple stem..
In Loving GodI let the dogs out this morningthe sky still darkthe windbreeze pressing the moist fog to my face and mindit smells like fresh hung linen..
I carry a pistolin my pocketat all timesi shoot for the crescent light of the moonmy heavy jacketed consciencehollow tipped resolvebrass brash moves m..