When it came time to go, I suddenly felt nervous. Though that feeling vanished when I saw her. In her signature TRIPP's and boots, accompanied by a sk..
She started down the stairs and toward the door. "Where are you going to go?” I asked, “Nobody's home and you don't even have on shoes.&rd..
Short little teaser for ya
People born with blue eyes are being place in settlements and being experimented on. The Rebellion's leader is threatening attacks on the Council, and..
“We, the blue-eyed
people, demand an end to the gathering and concentration of our people.”
spake the voice of the rebellions leader. ..
“Alright guys, we’re
going to bring those council hounds down!” I announced to the crowd of
rebels below. “They think they..
“Where is he?” I ask
myself, tired of waiting in the cold, snow covered woods. As soon as I
say it, I see three figures in the tree in..
“Can you protect her?”
asked Marcus. “Yes,” I said, “I can.” hoping I could
keep my promise. As the words left..
They called us all to the
main floor, class by class. We were told it was for a mandatory state
survey. So when I got to the front of the line, a ..
day after, the guards came back. They brought us to separate rooms
again, though, they weren’t quite the same as the ones before. They w..