“So who am I meeting?” Kyra asked, getting into Nathan’s car. “My cousin Adrian and his family.” he replied as he turne..
Transgender Adrian has a heart condition and might not have long to live.
Character Info
5th grade was only the beginning of a long list
of problems. It was where Katie became Adrian, and that in itself was hard
class. ..
been a week since Katie became Adrian, and most people accepted it. Though some
had a harder time in doing so.
Adrian! Time to go..
Adrian's now in 8th grade, but some of his family
is still trying to figure out where they stand. Ethan's a Junior in high school
and will have to ..
Freshman year was its own form personal of Hell.
As I started the year, it was, for the most part, uneventful. About half way
through, well, let's ..
(In school during passing time. It's Adrian and Nate's Junior year. Adrian is walking up the stairs)
Ryan (Ry): Have a nice trip, freak. (he trips A..
“Adrian?” Ethan says, concerned that
Adrian had suddenly stopped talking. When he fell to the floor and started
shaking, Ethan knew som..
There might be spoilers in here, I'm not sure of the ending myself yet.