EvolutionMan : Writing

A Clouded Decision

A Clouded Decision

A Poem by EvolutionMan

Three bottles...three shots,Like all pioneers,he sat and he stared as he swallowed his fears...He slammed the glass down on the whiskey stained bar,Sc..


A Poem by EvolutionMan

My mind abandons me tonight .It does not comfort me with fragrant smells nor gentle sounds. It does not warm me with heart's embrace or will's desire ..


A Poem by EvolutionMan

I stand quietly in the distance,watching...waiting beneath this willow tree.It's so beautiful in it's existence...it's arms stretched out offering mep..
The storm

The storm

A Poem by EvolutionMan

It's been quiet here....at my favorite place. My toes buried deep within the sandaccepting the forgotten comfort of a high tide. The air is thin and s..


A Poem by EvolutionMan

FRIENDI found the perfect friend todaymom says i should have moreI really hope this one is nice,not like the ones before.Most kids laugh and tease ..