It's quite fun to seehow much longer I can be.A sagging oak tree.
Holding the world up,how much longer can I last?A sagging oak tree.
When I need a hand,when the dark sky hangs heavy,hand grasps at nothing.
Chipped away by grit,rusted, eaten by the tides.Forgotten armor.
Synaesthesia is a brick in my wall.
If I died by dawn,would she notice I'm not there?Would she even care?
Five pounds of pressure.Half of my brains on the wall.How long would it hurt?
A succulent feast,but only one place to set.Hot bowls, cold comforts.
Alone in its cage,a lovebird without a mate.Songs sang to no one.
The bullet chambered,life hanging by half an inch.Leaf about to fall.