Moody would be the keyword for these signs that sums them up well.
The good and bad sides of Cancer, The Crab, June 21st-July 22nd.
How it feels to me.
Ah, the Cap. Standing out from the others as the smartest, and most logical.
The good and bad sides of Capricorn, The Goat, December 22nd-Janurary 1..
The good and bad side of the sign of Leo, the Lion, July 23rd-August 22nd
(this is my sign ^^)
Will be doing the rest too. Which should I do n..
This goes out to anyone who dares try to f**k with my friends.
Some people can't stay happy with one person. Some love the thrill of a new experience. It's like an addiction, and I have suffered.
A poem about my friend, whose name is in the title, whom I had/have a very on-off crush on, and there have been hints that he feels the same way. But ..
I've always wondered if these things do work, or if they're just a comfort.
Not sure where this one came from or why
Whenever I miss her, I seem to almost catch her smell, her perfume, the scent I fell asleep to and loved dearly.