Ethan Hammond

Ethan Hammond


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About Me

I am a 26 year old bloke from the south of England. Nothing much to say about me really...well nothing remarkable anyway. I delve into poetry and prose, but I would say I write poetry more. I have a tendency to type typos and write stuff in words that sometimes drop into my head.

Unfortunately if I have just split up with my girlfriend of 3 years. Not saying that any of my pieces will be all doom and gloom. This stuff happens, but it definitely is not a nice thing to hold in your head or talk to mates when they are as drunk as a pike, so I choose to write everything 'feely' down. Just that the most recent ones will be kind of reflective... and then the rest of my poetry will be purely experimental. I'll just write whatever takes my fancy.

I love learning about poetical form and reading a variety of different poetry (even though remembering poet's names can be a challenge).
My other main interest is with people. I don't know why, but I like observing how people respond and communicate in different cultures. I guess that is because I am from another culture to where I was born. I am Oriental and yet I have family that have migrated to Britain, Norway and Canada of all places. I also have a Scottish Step Gran, but hey wierder stuff can happen heh?

hmmm... what else can I say...
I used to be in the medical science field, but at present I am just a guy that does casework for the learning disabled. I'm content, so all is good on the career front.

When it comes to other life stuff though, it can get all confusing and a lot of the time I just cruise along and do what I can. Its crazy sometimes, so thats why I have to write it down I guess.

I have a lot to learn, but the good thing is that I am quite open minded about what I read and see. So much stuff out there interests me. I'm quite a curious person and i'm always thinking in one way or another.


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Posted 17 Years Ago


I have always wanted to call someone Haymish without having them look at me strangely (yes, I AM kidding...*hug*)

So now you can relax, you have just given me enough 'googling' to keep me firmly planted on my backside/feet up for the next hour! *LOL*

At least!

Love n' stuff,

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Posted 17 Years Ago

I'm quite speechless 'wow' i've never have such an indepth review before, or not in a while anyway. Thankyou so much, you are a very very strong reader, i only hope i can offer as much insight into your own work.
A fellow English man too i'm pleased to meet you and look forward to reading your work. How is your Sunday going?

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hi Ethan *big hug back*!!!!!

(well, as big as someone my size can manage anyhow...*pixie grin*)

Don't worry about reading any of mine hun, just post and kick that muse where it will do the most good! *gentle smile*

Moonlight *hugged* here...

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Hello, The writing comes in fits. I don't practice enough! Strangely, I get wonderful ideas while driving for my job, but often forget them by the time I can write them down.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thanks for checking out the video. I know it's a harsh, painful reality but one that must be addressed. Again, thanks for stopping by my page. ML

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Posted 18 Years Ago so much impressed man!! thank you so much dude for that kind's absolutely sincere..

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Actually, I'm a tea drinker, but you make coffee sound like I should choose a new beverage to indulge in!


P.S. good luck crafting your new piece!

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Each new piece you share will be a taste of your inner self, how could I not indulge in such a decadent offering?

Vary theme and style at will, I am a devoted reader�*smile*

I will enjoy every moment of your unique vision Mr. Hammond...*wink*


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Posted 18 Years Ago

Ah yes! So many books, so little time. Thanks for the lead. As a matter of fact, I looked at that book (Magic Bus) once when I was at a bookstore. Next time I'm there, I make it a point to purchase it. I'm not as globally concious as I should be, I tend to put the blinders on and contend with Americana, however, seeing as how I plan to further explore my interest in Philosophy, I need to take on a more worldly view to better understand different approaches towards the universal questions.

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Posted 18 Years Ago

Thank-you for reading my poem �Out for a smoke� Ethan.

You give the most detailed comments; I enjoy reading them very much!
