Essie W : Writing

Dialogue Overheard in the Beyond

Dialogue Overheard in the Beyond

A Story by Essie W

It was nice.So very nice, very respectful.A lot of people here.He knew a lot of people.What about the son?What about him?Did you see thim?I’ve n..


A Story by Essie W

Sometimes two opposites work together
Wednesday November 25, 1998

Wednesday November 25, 1998

A Story by Essie W

Some friends are there for you when you need it, every time.
Emotional Snow Day

Emotional Snow Day

A Poem by Essie W

Doesn't rhyme
Caught Dreams

Caught Dreams

A Story by Essie W

What do dream catchers do with nightmares?
The Girl in the Window

The Girl in the Window

A Story by Essie W

The day of the great earthquake of 1906. Not too scary.
A Fun Creative Original Art Idea!

A Fun Creative Original Art Idea!

A Story by Essie W

Connecting across deep time


A Story by Essie W

First person story of a life lived not comfortable in one's skin. Magical realism? Fantasy?
Within a Dream

Within a Dream

A Story by Essie W

**trigger for child death, dementia** A short story about a dream