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Worcester, MA
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Block Writer Block Writer

About Me

Actually blinking often undermines thought. Major experimentation.

My name is affectionately Ero...
but please call me Erin.

I'm a junior in high school. I am not a grammar w***e, and proud of it. I'm actually planning on majoring in Mathematics or Physics and minoring in Painting. So maybe I'm an atypical poetry enthusiast. So sue me.

I am a self-proclaimed nerd. I'm in chess club, on math team, and play alto saxophone in the school band. My favorite subjects are pre calculus and physics, and next year i am planning on taking four AP courses.

My favorite writer by far is Edgar Allen Poe, though I also enjoy reading Hawthorne.

I hate religion. In my opinion it is a Mideval form brainwashing and a brilliant (though outdated) technique for controlling the masses. Unfortunately, these days we have an alternative form of brainwashing (Sex, drugs and rock & roll), and soap operas to keep the masses at bay and begging for more.

Agree with me? Don't? I could really care less. If you do consider yourself at least marginally intelligent and me worth talking too... feel free to IM me at nrdXcore or e-mail me at [email protected].


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Posted 17 Years Ago

does that sound better?

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Posted 17 Years Ago

you think i should change the line breaks? i tried to avoid doing really obvious breaks and it kind of makes it choppy.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Budzushammer is very much so alive! As are our staff and editors! ;) However, we are here to reach out to those that do want their work published... If you don't, that's okay, maybe we'll have an upcoming writing contest that would interest you. Check out our website for more information.

-The Budzu Crew

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Merry Christmas my new friend. I hope for all the best for you and yours.

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Posted 17 Years Ago

Thanks for the review!

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Posted 17 Years Ago

that was a very halfhearted response.

I feel like you'd like I Would Never Let You Go.

but thank you very much for reading

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Posted 17 Years Ago

thank you!