Erin Irving

Erin Irving


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Tokyo, Japan
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About Me

At the age of 7, my poem about sticking black olives on my fingers and eating them won first place in the county and I won a check for $3. I retired then while at the peak of success in my writing career and decided to just read books. When I moved to Japan last year I was experiencing so many new things everyday: being suffocated by two thousand people on one train car, eating dried fish with the eyeballs still intact, having to mime milking a cow to find out where the dairy section was in the grocery store. I needed to write it all down! Hence, my enjoyment for writing budded and it consumes my life now.

A friend and I have started a bilingual magazine in Tokyo, Japan to provide an avenue for Japanese and English creative writers to be published in a more open literary environment. Our website has more information:

I'm ecstatic to be apart of this group!