Erik Daniel : Writing

Chapter 4: My Struggle With Pornography

Chapter 4: My Struggle With Pornography

A Chapter by Erik Daniel

This chapter deals with my struggle with pornography and how I overcame it.
Chapter 5: My Walk With Christ

Chapter 5: My Walk With Christ

A Chapter by Erik Daniel

This is the part of the story where I talk about my walk with Jesus.
My Story

My Story

A Book by Erik Daniel

This is a book about my life. My struggles with suicide and pornography and my eventual salvation through Jesus Christ. I pray it reaches peoples hear..
Tell Me When Lord

Tell Me When Lord

A Poem by Erik Daniel

This is a prayer I had the other day when I was searching for guidance.
Runaway Slave

Runaway Slave

A Poem by Erik Daniel

A poem about my addiction and how I tried to save myself but eventually it took God to save me.
Hated By The World

Hated By The World

A Poem by Erik Daniel

A poem about being hated for following God.
Prettier Than A Porn Star

Prettier Than A Porn Star

A Story by Erik Daniel

A short story about a young woman searching for more in life than just selling her body.
The Great Race

The Great Race

A Poem by Erik Daniel

A poem based on 1 Corinthians 9:24.
The Narrow Path

The Narrow Path

A Poem by Erik Daniel

A poem about traveling the narrow path and getting lost.
Not Ready Yet

Not Ready Yet

A Poem by Erik Daniel

A poem about abortion from the point of view of the child.

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