Ennay : Writing

My Exit

My Exit

A Poem by Ennay

This is my cue... Goodbye.


A Poem by Ennay

I miss the days with you but I don't regret leaving those behind. Because when dreams turn into nightmares. It is no longer love. It is misery. You ar..


A Chapter by Ennay

A letter to Tallulah, who doesn't exist.
Dear Tallulah,

Dear Tallulah,

A Book by Ennay

Letters to somebody who doesn't exist.
Prologue - Rotten

Prologue - Rotten

A Chapter by Ennay

“You will never compare to her.” Antares stared down at her hands, her vision blurring as she took a breath. "Yes sir."The man who stood i..
Chapter One - Just Moved In With A Stranger

Chapter One - Just Moved In With A Stranger

A Chapter by Ennay

Antares stood at the gates of the kingdom. Impatiently waiting for the guards to finish checking her for weapons. “Are you done now?” She..
A Change of Pace

A Change of Pace

A Poem by Ennay

To the ones who struggle with change.. It's okay.

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