


I just got back into this site after a long time!

Vancouver, WA
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About Me

i'll answer any question you have, plz ask away?
for one i love to hear from people.

Im, an 18, bi-sexual( i love all people of all form race, deformity, sexuality, or anything, especially the extremely unique, not like joe, your best friend but the person you saw who could do a handstand! (cuz that takes incredible talent(umm i cant do one okay, i wish,(idk if its allowed to have this many ()'s ??)))), guy,

I luv to write! hmm, i bet
everyone here does,,, I'm a genius, when it comes to that, jk, im actually think im quite stupid, especially when it comes to pop culture, >< i dont know s**t! i let everyone know i was born yesterday... i even act quite young for my age.

Animal: armadillo, which i just realized is close to my favrite color,,,, i als like ants !
Color: just look at my profile picture; the mouse's body, is so close to it. i wish it had a name instead of brown-ish-red
Person: YOU! the person who reads this, ... or jus no one, probably any person,.... i like people that like like anime/cosplay, emo, scene, or just i almost think im attracted to deformities, b'cuz i like weird $h*t so much...
Plant: daffodil, c:

BELOW is WAY outDATED.. :3

above is the current stuff!

I'm 17, my profile pic is almost a year old, I should really update it. I'll get around to it eventually...
anyhow, I like drawing especially cartoons and abstract / random things, sports I like are wrestling and soccer, although I don't like to watch sports on Tv well usually
For exercising I like to run especially with an ipod
some of my favorite bands/singers/rappers are... oomph, dev, eminem, Jay-z, metalica some of nirvana and few others i can't think of right now
My favorite color has to be dark green or a brownish red

a quote of mine...
"I'm a normal person, don't let any person, tell you that I'm different person"