All these kids from all these broken homes,all these kids that are out there that feel so alone.They`re people like you and I,they live and they die.T..
For Heidie, my sister, who through the midst of all the horridness and destruction is a person so beautiful she can heal even the darkest of souls.
Sitting on the window sill,gazing at these stars.Memories flooding into my mind,past actions have me looking at my scars.Memories so captivating,bindi..
Here's the story, you know I tell it oh sowell,because this life is a living hell.Broken hearts and torn up letters,I have to know nothing lasts forev..
Another sunset, it's beautiful,but let's not be delusional.Tomorrow I won't need you to save me,but tonight... oh god tonight,please accept my apology..
Dear Reader,Have you ever been so distraught?So mistaught?Have you ever wanted to change?To have your life rearranged?Have you ever fallen so miserabl..
I see that look in your eyes,and everything it changes.It's that look that says you want me in your arms tonight,and my whole world just rearranges.I ..
This addictions,got my head spinning,the medication won't touch a thing.I'm an addict,it's problematic,and everyone knows I'll never be the same.Breat..
Could I possibly hate this place anymore?Could I possibly fall further?Could I ever go back to the me before?Could I ever go back to her?And I feel so..
Questions always asked,answers never earned.Dreams never ending,hearts continually burned.Growing up equals heartbreak,hands of a lover viciously turn..